We have had some good progress in school this winter. We read The Tale of Two Cities and then Christy for our January & February book club books. Those are both long reads and it is nice to have them during the winter to snuggle up with. The kids in book club did a fantastic job discussing those books too.
Here is a Nature Journal underway from our very talented artistic son.
We have a cat overseeing a writing assignment, while birdwatching and "catnapping". Our cats are very talented!

Chemistry at home has been a fun subject for Dad to teach. The lab kit is sometimes quite interesting!
Chemistry at home has been a fun subject for Dad to teach. The lab kit is sometimes quite interesting!
The older boys are also "accessing" at our Middle School and High School for their "A" block class. One has completed French I and is now doing French II in this second semester. The other is taking 2 classes during that block and they are Computers and Art. My 2nd grader and I get lots accomplished during our alone time while the big boys are away from 6:30am until 9:15 when they get in. It's so nice to have them driving there on their own too! Other classes outside the home are Art for the littlest one at the local Elementary, Recess with the area homeschoolers, Dr. Suess storytime, Lifeguarding Classes for the oldest, Fencing classes for the middle and my dear husband. We took a break from theater this spring. Of course there's book club and Piano & Guitar as well. Busy, busy! I get a lot more done though with another driver in the house!