Friday, April 6, 2012

More fun from the camera

I'll get around to blogging something else soon...but we're still having fun with the wildlife camera at present.  Spring is sort of like this.  The world out there is waking up.  The swallows returned this week.  They come and entertain us each year with their beautiful swooping around in the sky.  The minute I saw them I felt both happy and sad.  What it means is that they are feasting on black flies.  The horse is quite aware of the arrival of the black flies too.

We made another "mad purchase" with our LL Bean coupons.  A screen house!  We've wanted to have one since we moved here in 2006 but it has always felt like such a temporary thing and a potential waste of money . The "right" thing to do would be to build a wooden screen house somewhere on the property to sit in for picnics or to just "get away" on our own property...during the months when the bugs will carry us away if we try to sit outside.  That's the downside to living on a brook/stream/beaver pond lot of land.  Lots of bugs.  But the upside of that--lots of wildlife coming to the water, bluebirds and swallows, incredible dragon and damsel flies too.  So I guess we'll take it all.
The turkeys are here so often now that we could practically name them.  As I type this the little group is working it's way back to the woods through the horse paddock.  He's quite unphased by the turkeys now which is a good thing when out trail riding.  Turkeys can be quite alarming to horses but King is very desensitized by them now.  
I was so excited this morning to see the gift on the camera for Easter.  Here is the first bunny we've captured on film.  During the winter we have followed their trails all through the woods but we had not yet seen one.  We know they are there and the coyote scat is filled with rabbit fur, but we had not yet actually seen one.  I've seen plenty of rabbits while out riding the trails but not on our property yet.  So cool to see this one!  Sometimes it's the little things in life.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Wildlife Camera

We have a new wildlife camera as our old one stopped working some time ago.  This one has a video option so we tried it out.  There were a lot of coyote photos from a few weeks ago and we were hoping to catch a video of them this time.  Last night, (or in the first minutes of today) we caught the pair coming through.  The first video is the pregnant female marking her scent on their territory marker.  Then the male follows along and adds his scent to the spot.  You can see her eyes up the trail as she's waiting for him to follow along.  I wonder if they will travel this way with pups later on.  
We also have images of squirrels, turkeys and this raccoon.  We smell a skunk from time to time but have not seen it yet.  Probably a good thing!  Oh, and our cat, Charlie who often follows us all over the property has been on the camera too.  He follows us there when we swap the SD cards and then hams it up for the camera while we attempt to get him to follow us back home.  Silly cat.
