First Night Wolfeboro was a lot of fun! We saw a play, a planetarium show, this artist making an ice sculpture, musical acts, a traveling zoo, and of course fireworks! Okay we didn't all stick together so that's what we took in collectively!
What gorgeous weather we had. Well, the ice sculpture works better if it stays below 32 and it was above that for a long time so his ice was dripping.
We spent time at home resting and relaxing during our vacation week. I managed to truck the horse to an indoor to ride 3 times! Great fun for me. John took his daughter and our oldest boy to Vermont to visit family there. Those two were not part of the November trip as they each had work keeping them in New Hampshire. They had a nice trip (except for the driving up in a blizzard part.) The "kids" saw their grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins.

Our family Christmas present to us was a wildlife camera this year. Here is the first "wildlife" photo we captured. The other photos have been of us trekking manure to the pile out in the back field. Us cross-country skiing. The dog and I (and kittens following us) on our daily walks. So I was pleasantly surprised to see this photo on the disk! Also surprised because I brought it in to see who it was that left tracks in the snow. (Fox) Somehow the fox managed to outsmart the camera. I'll have to reset the camera and attempt to outfox our little grey fox next time! We have had a dusting of snow fall several days in a row so I've been watching for the best wildlife "roads" to monitor. I still think our stone bridge is the most active spot. The coyote in this photo is looking right toward the house and or chicken coop. Hmmm. It looks smaller than many of the ones we were seeing this fall. But she does look healthy and young. I bet she was mousing out around our hay tent or manure pile.
Happy New Year to you!