It was September. I'd just started my new job as Office Manager of Dupont's Service Center in Dover NH just a few weeks earlier. The fall brought huge changes to our family all around. A previously homeschooled boy going to school full time. A new grandbaby on the way and due soon, a new job for me, a new job for our middle son who's still on his gap-year adventure and an internship for our oldest, college son. I think John was the only one who didn't make his own personal changes although all of these affected him, I'm sure.
With all of this going on I still wanted very much to take the vacation I'd booked back in January. So I drove up to Memory Lane in Andover, ME on Friday after working a little in the morning (to get payroll accomplished.) I grabbed the horse and too much gear and off we went. It rained most of the day that I traveled. It was cold and overcast and very dreary. But in Maine I got the horse settled into one of their stalls and schlepped my stuff into the studio to find that a few quiet minutes to myself were almost helped by the inclement weather. I pulled out some knitting and began to unwind. I had lots of unwinding ahead!
There were 5 of us sharing this weekend together and I was horrible at taking photos. Not a one of the hot tub. Not a photo of the horses in their paddocks or stalls. Not even a photo of 2 of the ladies who were there!
This farm really intrigued me. As we approached it was obvious that someone put some time and money into the grass and the fencing. At first I didn't know what they were raising in there. Could it be horses?
Nope. No horses. I'm thinking they are raising rocks.
This is the daddy rock....
Memory Lane certainly was full of good memories. Hot tub after riding. A crock pot meal waiting for us and beer for some (wine for me). The laughing and ride stories and sharing our passion of horses. Priceless.