Saturday, February 2, 2008

New Horse

This handsome grey gelding is the newest addition to our farm. We let Lady pass and save her from further arthritis pain. 1-22-08

This new horse really likes the neighbors. Here he is playing "face" with Sugar next door. He has twice escaped from our fence and ended up in the neighbor's fence until we could round him up and fix the damage. Thankfully none of the damage was to him! He appears to be a good jumper! We ended up going higher with our fence by attaching it to their wooden posts until we can drive new posts in the spring.

Time for a snow bath! He's a funny one when he rolls. First one side and then the other. His bath is nice...but it doesn't remove the brown spots! We'd need some soap for that job!
John really is my groom. Grin. He really likes King. It's a personality thing, and King is a very likeable horse. He's an 8 year old Egyptian Arabian with the registered name Mufassa SS. A friend of mine told me Mufasa is translated as King so that is what we've decided to call him.
John and I took a nice walk with our dog around the back field this morning in our icy winter wonderland. At one point the ice even supported my weight to my relief after a trudge through crust atop a base of at least a foot of snow. Then John could walk on it in one spot too. Too much ice to plow off the 2 inches of snowy ice mix we got from last night's storm. As we were returning we caught the horses in committee. Not sure what big plans we were interrupting...but a cute photo for sure.

I'm really looking forward to riding this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He sure is a handsome boy! The groom I mean. LOL
King looks happy in his new home and it's nice he has some "friends" close by. It's so great to see your family photos. Everyone looks content. My. you have a lot of snow!
Lyn M