This is our horse fence. It is about 4
The next one is of Tide by our tent garage out in the back field We did move the snow off it as we were worried about losing that structure. There are lots of buildings caving in around NH this year. Through January we were able to plow over our stone bridge and into the back field. (We store hay in that tent.) Now we're limited to a path we make with the snowblower. The bridge became too narrow and icy to get safely across. It seemed to want to push our truck into the brook!
John was so good to plow the driveway Saturday morning for the latest storm March 1. He did end up using the snowblower as well as our driveway is getting really, really narrow.
This is what our parking area looks like.
Here is Andrew packing up his guitar. What snowpiles!!
This is my view of the barn. I really can't see much from the windows anymore. Just a winter wonderland! The news is saying that Concord, NH may break the record for the snowiest winter recorded (past 200 or so years.) We're within 12 inches of that record now. I think there's been 109 inches or something like that, for the season. I love driving along the roads here as they remind me of what the roads looked like when I was growing up. In our old town they had done lots of tree clearing on the edge of the road so we didn't have the overhanging branches. Here we do.
Happy March!
Amazing! The snow banks look as high as the top of the cars. We learned of a family that live near Ossipee and have a metal roof. The snow slides off and now between what is on the ground and the snow coming off the roof the snow is above the window sills of their first floor windows!! Thanks for sharing the great pics! I don't know where you can put any more snow to break that record.
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