Here is the little guy with a selection of Cub Scouts projects that he made. I am especially fond of the cribbage board. He was very busy working on projects on his way to "scout graduation" which is the Crossover. The Webelos crossover into Boy Scouting and are then wearing a new uniform which has none of their Cub Scout achievements on it except the Arrow of Light if they earned it as a Cub. All of the boys in the den earned the Arrow of Light. Some of them went on to earn an even higher award--Super Achiever. It is finishing all 20 activity badges and this scout did it. Quite a lot of work. We're very proud of him. As I type this he is still away camping (dad too). I'm so glad the weather turned out to be good. The last outdoor campout was in the snow...come to think of it last October's campout was too. They also had an overnight at the Museum of Science this spring. The troop is very active and they boys do so much together. Sometimes it is fun things too, such as laser tag for an evening. Next Saturday there is a Hike-A-Thon and this scout intends to walk 10 miles with the boy scouts. Isn't he cute at the end of Crossover with his face all painted from the Arrow of Light Ceremony?

School's out--or should I say outside...for 80 degree days. Here we were finishing our April read "The Long Winter" on a hot, hot spring day. Irony. The new tent seemed to be the best place to do school that day! We have had a lot of fun reading this year. History and Science have become big interests now. Math is still his "easiest" subject. He is a Towne after all. :)

Here is our middle boy hamming it up with a gecko at the Boston Museum of Science. John & I took the 2 boys down there for a vacation day in April. What fun we all had together. They make me laugh so much when we are out and away from all the usual distractions. This boy is often very busy with friends, gigs, and school and I don't often get a whole day with him anymore. I really enjoyed this day. ~Rachel
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