Thursday, June 7, 2012

Scouting Weekend

Got boys?

Here is home for 2 nights.

Awards won at the end of the weekend.
I'll have to get my husband and son to tell their stories because I wasn't there.  Lots of fun was had by all.  From my end it's a lot of packing, planning, and preparations.  A phone call for items left behind to be delivered. Lots of laughing, story telling and pride on return.  And lots of laundry too....

Another weekend was spent hiking in the woods to raise money for camping.  Our boy walked 10 miles.  John & I took a cribbage board out to one of the water stops and sat in the woods by a brook for 5 hours--counting the scouts as they went by.  I won all the games but one.  :)  It was a good day for me.


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