August was a busy, busy month here. We did find a little time to wander around Pawtuckaway State Park one day. There were so many family events and milestones. A Towne family reunion in VT, a festival here in town for me to volunteer on/at, a trip to Canada with one 18 year old son (and his new passport), our anniversary and the start of a new school year. Lots happening!

Even if we were really busy we were taking time to notice our surroundings. This little fella was enjoying something green to munch on in the back field one evening. Just a little porcupine. So sweet letting us get very close while it nibbled away at the leaves.

I did find a few moments to get back in the saddle after about 6 weeks off while living my busy mid-June through July. This day found me with 4 other riders taking in the beauty of Mt. Chocorua from some camp roads and trails. Very nice. The deerflies had finally backed off enough to actually enjoy the ride! There were several rides to place trail marking ribbons for the annual Woods, Water & Wildlife Festival here in town. We donated a lot of blood to those hungry deerflies during those trips through the woods! Finally by the end of the month we could enjoy the ride again.

School began in August for 2 of the boys. This one rode the bus in to a brick and mortar school for the first time in his life. He's still technically a homeschooler but he is accessing the school for 3 classes this school year. Here he is measuring up on the daddy scale on day one. 6th grade. Can that be right?

And another one off to school to start his senior year at CATA. The first 3 days for CATA are orientation days and this boy really enjoyed bringing his guitar to play and spending some good time playing ultimate frisbee with his classmates while orienting to school for this final year. He's really jazzed about the upcoming year. And as much as he wants to--probably needs to--that silly cat Charlie will have to stay home from school. He's trying to measure up as well.
Where did the summer go?
WOW! What are you feeding these boys?? And "yes" where did the summer go? Again, great pictures. Of course you know I love the horse pictures with the wonderful views.
Lyn M
Did I tell you how much I love the picture of King looking out at the lake and mountain? I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!
Lyn M
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