Could it be thawing? Is it more dirt than ice? Hard to tell but it must be thawing. Careful there King. Lots of ice still.

A week later it is decidedly thawing. The road is even getting some ruts from the tires. Mud is on it's way

A week later even we see the shoulder of a road. see...some dirt at the edge...Spring is on it's way. It must be....

Very muddy truck & trailer and even the horse's belly and legs got the mud spray. It is coming. I'm sure of it!

Later still the snow is releasing it's grip on the yard. Turkeys are grouping up. These hens came with this Tom each day for a couple of weeks until they all went their own ways to nest.

That little boy is now far too big for his little ATV. The 80 is just too small. So he's enjoy permission to use our 450. We hope to sell the little one and get a dirtbike instead.

Okay, the end of April and sprig is really here! Spring peepers were singing in the woods and it's ice out on the big lakes. In another week or so this will all begin to look quite green....Spring at last!!
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