Tuesday, August 11, 2015


The puppy is still growing
The summer is just flying by.  We've spent a lot of time with these 2 growing young things.  Millie got to go to puppy class with this boy.  She was the largest puppy in the class.  They certainly are birds of a feather those two.
Riding through Joy's fields
There has not been much time for riding but I have sneaked in just a few rides in the last several weeks.  High and dry is the key to not being eaten alive by the biting flies.  So it's mountains or hilltops that I search for in my rides.  Neighbors have been along for a couple of these rides.
Nancy out riding through Hickey's fields

State forest
On one ride I couldn't help but notice the crop of blueberries just ripe for picking so we went back.
Trying out the borrowed rake
Then we made pie.  And blueberry cake.  And blueberry pancakes.  Ate them on cereal.  And in our green salads.  And froze a lot of them for later.
Looking for the best berries

What is he thinking?
This little boy had a fun time up there.  21 years young this one.  We had a nice time celebrating that too.
Oh!  That!
But he's still my little boy at heart.
Carrying the "mother ship" with all our berries back out to the car

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