We're on our way. What a fun trip to Vermont! We stuffed 6 people in the truck and drove for 4 hours to visit some of the extended family (about 60 of them) at a family reunion. Cory brought along "Betty" which is her new Garmin device that gives you blow by blow directions on how to get somewhere. We thought we had upset "Betty" several times as we did not take her advice in NH. She wanted us to take a shorter route which we knew to be longer in time. But in her defense, after we took all of those "wrong" turns and she proclaimed "recalculating" then her time estimates were right on track. It's hard to read in this photo, but she's telling us to go another 108 miles on Rte. 89 with an ETA of 12:09. That's before we stopped to do a quick geocache in Milton VT.
After the reunion we stopped by the farm for a short visit with Gramma and Grampa before hitting the road for another 4 hour drive in the truck to get home. It will be a trip to remember! The kids are far too big to stuff into the truck for 8 hours in a day!!
Our month of July just zoomed on by with parties, cookouts, trips and lots of swimming. I don't know where the time went!
Aren't those Garmin devices funny?? Our first experience with one was when we were using someone elses car and it had one in it. We decided to use it to find a resturant. We followed all the directions that it told us and it took us to a residential area and suddenly it announced that we had "reached our destination". We had pulled up in front of someone's private home. Hmmm, we wondered if they knew we were coming for dinner?? And what were they serving for dinner?? WE sat there and just laughed. We never believed what it told us again.
Thanks for sharing your trip. You are making such wonderful memories for your family!!
Lyn M.
We renamed the unit "Sue" (1.to appeal to; petition 2. to prosecute in a court in seeking redress of wrongs, etc.)
as we didn't totally trust it either. It has been a wonderful thing for Cory though and gives her the confidence she needs to travel. I'm not planning on owning one anytime soon. It was fun for the trip though!
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