We've been blessed with some very special visitors over the last month. We had an excellent visit from Chris & Rosie and Dad & Mom at the end of June. Rachel had a good time showing them the house and land and letting them get out and stretch on their trip through New Hampshire toward home. We're so glad they stopped in for a visit!

Last weekend we had another wonderful couple from Vermont stop by for a visit. John & Annie stopped by Saturday and got a chance to view the home and area. It sure was nice to have them over and we enjoyed their visit. They also got to see us put in the leveling pad for the above-ground swimming pool. Thanks again for the visit!

I thought I'd also include one of the flowers we've put into the "butterfly" garden at the top of our driveway (directly opposit the vegtable/flower garden that seems to finally be growing).
Well I have to go for now and get the kids into bed for the night. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as we are. Love to all.
I'm sure the boys will enjoy the pool. You were spoiled with the lakes close by to your previous home. They spent a lot of time in the water then as I remember. I hadn't thought of that. Hmm, I don't see a riding ring yet...........
Lyn M
Wow! You really did have some special visitors. That's neat so much family came out and got to see you all and the beautiful home/land you have. A pool??!!!! COOL! That must be so refreshing. As I'm due any day during this hot summer, I think that would be pretty fun to have to cool off in! Hope you guys are well. We love you!
Jason and Geneva
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