Here is our young man with his brand new driver's license! It has been a big relief to me to have him driving himself to and from school for his early morning French class as well as to drop off his brother at Guitar lessons or just to run to the local store or library for errands. NICE!
We spent the weekend of the 22nd & 23rd in "Beantown". Brian had classes at MIT for Splash weekend. Loads of fun for him and the other teens which we carpooled down with. Some were strictly for fun such as Rugby or Duct Tape Design...but others were more serious about solar power and LEDs. Lots of fun at a wonderful event.
Andrew and I spent time at the Museum of Fine Arts and then over at "Old Ironsides." The USS Constitution is going through some repairs so she is not currently rigged. Here he is at the bow of the ship and enjoying the trip tremendously. Mom was a bit cold with the temperature holding at 28 and wind chill bringing it to zero or below quite often. The Constituion's museum was a warm and welcome place to be!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
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