First off, I have to mention Cancer -- Melanoma. I'd like to blame that for my lack of blogging...but it's probably more to do with having happenings each and every weekend, planning a graduation for our oldest and working through the college entrance process, chasing our little scout around to overnight camping events and rocket launches and more and I will admit to going riding each and every available minute!

A word about cancer.... I had a "mole" on my left shoulder which got renamed a "lesion" as is darkened and then began to raise during the winter and after it's removal it was called a "tumor" when the pathology found Superficial Spreading Melanoma cells in it. Another surgery and we were all able to relax as the cancer had not moved on so the good doctors declared I'm cancer free. Just a little skin off my back (and a lymph node out of my underarm...) but I'm all good now. Please, please if you have any "moles" watch them. The cancer I had is a killer but we caught it at stage 2. :)
Onto the fun stuff! The little guy seen racing around in the top photo was at a 2 night overnight called the "Fish N Run" which is a multi-pack gathering. They tented out and the overnight temperatures dipped to freezing! Brrr. During the days they had skits, challenges, campfires, fishing and all the neat things you can do with well over a hundred little boys. :)
The middle boy is in the middle photo playing his guitar with his "Advanced Guitar Ensemble" at an Arts Soiree in Dover. This class has traveled to schools, coffee shops and events to perform this spring. I lost count of the number of times but it was a lot and they knocked our socks off at this event.
The last photo is of Milton's pack 155 aboard the USS Salem down in Quincey, MA. They were there for an overnight and had a great time learning about the ship and it's WWII history as well has having a harbor cruise. Sleeping arrangements were bunk style cots. This pack is very active and our little one has really enjoyed scouting this year.
More to come...
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