This year we thought it would be fun to build a big snowpile in the front yard with the plow. Why not? The boys dug tunnels into it and generally had a great time playing on the pile. Here is a quick video of snowplowing. Usually the little guy is my co-pilot on most snowplowing trips. He loves to use the plow controls while I drive. We've done so much plowing together over the years that I hardly have to say a word to him. He knows what we're doing next and aims the plow blade accordingly. He is looking forward to a time when he has his license and can drive. He has totally outgrown the little ATV and is using our Honda Foreman now. He's discovered the joys of spinning circles in the snow with it too. Now he really understands the benefit of 4 wheel drive as an option. 2 wheel, rear wheel drive is a joy...if you like to play in the snow that is!

I like this spot from up in the horse's paddock. The house looks so pretty from here in the morning sun.

Time to try out John's brand new snowshoes. We went out looking for tracks in the snow and made quite a few of our own.

This track is of a flying squirrel's landing. It plopped into the snow and then scampered into a hollow log. We loved the "squareness" of the track where it sunk into the soft snow.

The snow was sticking to everything and making a winter wonderland. This guy, however, loved to shake it off the branches...especially when someone else could be the recipient of the snow shower. Silly.

Here is our boy with his new camera taking in the view and capturing it.

On the way back I caught sight of him lifting his snowshoes up high and playing in the snow. I always love the "Christopher Robin" moments that my boys have. These are not oversized wellies that he's wearing, but still...it reminds me of the little boys playing in puddles. 18 for this little boy. My how time flies.
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