Saturday, December 31, 2016

John's Selfies

Mom and son
John likes selfies.  Okay, to be clear on this...he's been taking selfies long before I ever knew there was a word for this.  He's been taking them since before we knew each other (going back over 25 years now...)
We have 35 mm camera photos he took of himself from trips to DC and maybe even one up on the silo back at the farm.  I know I've seen a few selfies from his way back past before.   Now that the technology has made it easier we have LOTS of selfies.  I will be at work and get a text message from him and it's often a selfie.  I, myself, don't have the skill or the interest to master the "selfie".  I've tried a few.  They didn't please me.  'Nough said.  
But John.  Yes he loves them.  Here are a few I found while looking through the photos from this year.
The first group is during a trip back home.  If you were "lucky" enough to get close to him--you got photographed.  I think Judy was clever enough to avoid him....
Gotcha Raymond
Sister Annie
Sis-in-law Rosie
Brother Chris
Sister Mary
On our anniversary
On the ropes course with us---c'mon John!  What's taking you so long?
Out golfing with friends
Out fishing.
In california (okay this one was with a timer)
At Arethusa Falls
Good looking Son
Happy Father's Day
Me too
Me Three!
Me four!  Happy Father's Day John.

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