Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Canada Lily

This is the Canada Lily in bloom. What a spectacular wildflower. We have probably 12 or so plants around the property. They do not grow in a group the way day lilies do. They seem to come back each year in the same spot too, so transplanting might work. This one is over 6 feet tall and growing in one of our larger patches of poison ivy. It will stay put!

I've also found a few plants of clematis vining along our stone bridge and near the wood pile. My father has transplanted these in the past and now has a beautiful and well established vine on his trellis. Spring brought loads of Jack in the Pulpit. Some of those were over 2 feet tall this year! The flowers were about 6 inches in length. What fun to go finding wildflowers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the largest Canada Lily I have ever seen!!! What a great photo.
Lyn M