So many fun ways to enjoy Christmas! We went to Strawberry Banke this year for their Candle Light Stroll and enjoyed remembering years past when we went with the little boys. They loved it again. I think the oldest enjoyed the tinsmith the most as we saw presents given from him that he bought with that man. I enjoyed the magic show we attended especially.
Our little boys posing with Father Christmas at Strawberry Banke's Candlelight Stroll |
Our middle son worked at the Farm Museum's Christmas on the Farm event the day or so after he arrived home from college. It was a banner year with the highest attendance yet. He was very busy and happy after working that day.
Mouse the present |
Back at home we've enjoyed our old cat deciding to be our present this year. She has spent many an hour sleeping under the tree, all nestled in around the presents. Our Christmas Cactus needed no help this year in being moved or anything. It's blooming on schdule and beautifying our dining room.
Christmas Cactus in bloom on time |
Christmas Day at Laurie & Rob's house |
On Christmas Eve we visited neighbor and friend Amy, then off to church for the candlelight service with Louise playing organ, then off to Ken & Louise's house for what she called "pickies". Finger foods and harp music playing. We visited and ate and played Sequence and enjoyed the evening together. Then Christmas day found us visiting again only this time at Laurie & Rob's house with kids playing and present exchanging. My favorite Christmas memory is of all the "little feet noises" in our house. It reminded me of the early years with the boys. I'd wake up to the sound of little feet running down the stairs to see what Santa brought. This time the little feet were from our 22 year old. He works the night shift now. 7pm to 7am so he was kind enough to let us all sleep in until nearly 6am. He'd been awake all night of course. So I woke up to excited running through the house of this "boy" waking his brothers and us. By the time we arrived home from visiting around 4 in the afternoon...John and I both collapsed for a nap. We're feeling a little older lately maybe. :)
Warm Christmas weekend ride |
The weekend after the holiday was sunny and warm so I took advantage and went for a trail ride up in Effingham with friends. That skyline was just beautiful. More beautiful than the photos could show really. What a great time.
Christmas visit with Cory & Justin |
And on Sunday we visited with Cory & Justin at their place to with them a Merry Christmas too. This adorable little one entertained us the whole time. Never a tear or a whine. What a sweet little boy.
Uncles make the best toys |
Opening presents like a pro |
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