This is what I want to see when out trail riding. It the view that I bottle for winter days like today. It's freezing rain out there just now--on top of all the snow and the additional snow we got last night. So I'm thinking back on the good rides this year.
I took a "conditioning" loop sometime in September to see if I was ready to do another endurance ride this fall or not. It was about a 20-25 mile loop. At approximately the 1/2 way point I stopped to eat a cliff bar, drink some water and let King graze a bit. This spot offered a little shade, a little breeze and some yummy grass for him. And that view for me. This is Lyons Rd. in Wakefield, NH...maybe? I'm not sure what town I was in at this point. The ride started in Ossipee near Rte 16 and took me through to Effingham and over part of Pocket Mountain and out to Lake Province--which is in Wakefield I believe--before heading back around the mountain and over Fogg's Ridge back down to the sand pits near Route 16 before going around White Pond and back to where I started. This Lyons Rd. spot has a tiny bit of view of the Lake over on the righthand bit of that photo. There is an old camp/house there and a really old cemetary. There has been recent logging which opened that view back up again. I'm assuming it was open before when looking at the age of the trees in the area.
There are a lot of other interesting things I see out on trail.
Check out this doorbell. I love it and wished I could have pulled that ring to hear it and see it go. |
These are very common signs for the "roads" that I enjoy riding. GPS users beware... |
Do you see the turn signal? It's that can on the tree at the right. The roadbed is gone from the washout so they've created a new trail and it's there on the right...with it's marker which is well seen at night in the headlights of your snowmobile or ATV. |
I usually miss these but King doesn't. He'll stop and stare, and blow sometimes when I'm dense so I can look. What a terrified porcupine to find us in the woods! |
I LOVE this yard. I wonder about the reason for the large heart in the lawn. Someone has fun with their mowing. |
Who hid the bush? Those are webs. Of what I have no idea. I've never seen anything like it. It was in Ossipee, NH in June. What sort of creature does that? I've ridden that trail again in the fall and the bush looked fine and had leaves on it. I still wonder what that was. |
I'm sure I have other interesting photos somewhere. Old and abandoned things from recent (like boats, sofas and TVs for some reason) and older such as buckets, wheels and other turn of the century types of metal. I see interesting things hunters create--tree stands, blinds, feeding stations, and I'm sure I've been on many a game camera. I see interesting things for tracks in the mud and wildflowers and berries. Some are so fragrant or delicious that I just have to hop off the horse and indulge. :) These memories will have to do while I wait for the seasons to turn again. The ice that is forming from this freezing rain will keep me out of the woods for some time.
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